Police Department
Public Notice
Information and notices are announced on this page. Additional details or clarification may be obtained by contacting our business office by calling us at (319)372-2525, or by email at: FMPD@fortmadisonpd.com
Contractors wishing to conduct business with the City of Fort Madison may find announcements for bidders on this page.
BWC and Squad Camera Systems 09202024 - Due 10/21/2024
The Fort Madison Police Department is soliciting proposals from qualified companies to provide the department with 21 officer-worn body cameras and 7 squad camera systems. In addition, companies must provide a video storage solution, which partners with the provided body-worn cameras and squad cameras, to store, manage, retrieve, and share captured digital video. Qualified companies will also provide a Service Agreement which includes service on equipment, hardware and software for 5 years.
City Towing Contractor 07312024 - Due 10/01/2024
The City of Fort Madison ("City") requests bid proposals for the towing and storage of vehicles impounded and the disposition of abandoned vehicles pursuant to Section 321.89 of the State of Iowa: together with such other towing as may be designated by the City. The term of the contract will commence on November 1, 2024 and will be for three (3) years with an option to extend the contract an additional term of three (3) years if both parties mutually agree in writing to such extension by September 30, 2027.